विजेट आपके ब्लॉग पर

बुधवार, 9 जून 2010

इंडीब्लागर द्वारा ईनामों की बरसात

It's about having one life. Just one life. It's about making the most of it. Every minute, every second. It's about living it with the people, the only ones who really matter - family and friends. Are you having a Jiyo life? Have you ever had a memorable Jiyo Life moment? Then blog about it and win prizes!

Grand Prize worth Rs.30,000
32" LCD TV and a PlayStation 2
2nd Prize worth Rs.10,000
Shopping Vouchers
3rd Prize
Books and Shopping Vouchers
How do I win?
Winners will be decided based on the number of IndiVine votes and unique, verifiable comments on your blog posts. Winners will be announced on the 10th of July.

How do I enter?
Check the link below for instructions, and to vote for the best posts!

Good luck, and keep blogging!

The IndiBlogger Team

4 टिप्‍पणियां:

Udan Tashtari ने कहा…

बढ़िया है!

निर्मला कपिला ने कहा…

लिन्क खुला नही

डॉ महेश सिन्हा ने कहा…

अभी तो खुल रहा है

राज भाटिय़ा ने कहा…

लिंक खुले या ना खुले ईनाम तो दिलबा दो